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Semi-Annual Clothing Giveaway

Spring Clothing Giveaway

Seton’s St. Vincent de Paul Society will hold their annual Spring Clothing Giveaway on Saturday,

July 22nd 2023 in the school cafeteria.


Your donations of all season clothing made this day special for those in need in our community.


If you would like to donate items or your time to this wonderful cause, please contact Sue Lang at 513-312-8137

For high school students needing service hours, this is a fun and rewarding way to help those less fortunate.





       Car Donation Program


The SVDP National Vehicle Donation Program best-in-class program proudly returns an average of nearly 80% of car proceeds to charity.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a proud member of One Car One Difference™, a national public awareness program about the benefits of vehicle donation to communities and the environment.  Created by Insurance Auto Auctions' Donation Division, the program supports more than 100 participating charities nationwide.


Christmas Giving Tree
December 17, 2023


The Giving Tree is up in the narthex. Please bring unwrapped gifts back to church by Sunday. December17, 10:00 a.m. Mass. We suggest putting the gifts in gift bags or add a roll of wrapping paper with the gifts. Many people have asked why we do not want the gifts wrapped. That is because we know that the parents of these children are going to unwrap the gifts, to make sure that nothing incorrect has been purchased for their child's size, age, etc. Please make sure that the tag you take from the tree is securely attached to your gift. Without that, we will not know which family the gift belongs to. A suggestion would be to take a picture of the tag when you take it off the tree, just in case you would lose the tag. If you have any questions. please call Sue Lang at 513-312-8137.







Annual Run/Walk for the Poor
The 29th Annual Run/Walk for the Poor will take place on Saturday, June 10th 2023. Race begins from the  St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish parking lot 9:00am.
See the website below for more detailed information and registration.


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

         (Click picture for parish website)

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