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In the spirit of the Thanksgiving season, our parish provides meals for many needy families in our area. Please look for the turkey with pull-off FEATHERS in the narthex these two Sundays in November.  Please bring in the meal to Seton on November 19h by 11:00pm.  If you did not get a FEATHER. but want to provide a meal, just mark your meal EXTRA because we always seem to have a need for more!  Thanksgiving is always more meaningful when we share our plenty with those less fortunate.













Through the parish 's generosity, we were able to share Thanksgiving with 80 families. Also many thanks to all those who came and helped distribute the meals and to those who made cash donations making it possible for us to provide even more dinners  just before the holiday . Many blessings · and thanks to all,  St.  Vincent de Paul



St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

         (Click picture for parish website)

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